
Psychology of Passwords 2022

Our research of 3,750 professionals' password security behaviors found a clear disconnect between confidence in password management habits and their conduct. What else did we find?


of respondents always or mostly use the same password or a variation


changed their password after they were informed a data breach had occurred


stopped reusing passwords after receiving cybersecurity training

Password behaviors infographic

Knowledge workers have a false sense of security

75% of respondents have high confidence in managing passwords yet nearly two-thirds reuse the same password or a variation.

How else are they behaving when it comes to passwords?

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Cybersecurity education infographic

Awareness doesn’t translate to action

Nearly 65% of respondents have some type of cybersecurity education. But putting their education to practice is a different story. After receiving cybersecurity education, only 31% of users stopped reusing passwords, while only 25% started using a password manager.

Why aren't they putting their education to use?

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Generational differences infographic

Overwhelming confidence, underwhelming behavior

Gen Z leads the pack when it comes to cybersecurity confidence. However, Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers fall into second, third, and fourth place, respectively.

But how do their password behaviors compare?

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Im Detail: Best Practices für die Passwortsicherheit


Wie erstellt der Passwort-Generator kostenlos Zufallspasswörter?

Was macht ein sicheres Passwort aus und wie erstellt der LastPass-Passwortgenerator jedes Mal ein eindeutiges Zufallspasswort?


Tipps zum Erstellen sicherer Passwörter

Finden Sie heraus, wie Sie Ihre Konten mit einem sicheren Passwort schützen können und warum LastPass eine bessere Wahl als der Passwort-Generator von Google ist.


LastPass oder ein integrierter Passwort-Manager?

Finden Sie heraus, wie ein eigenständiger Passwort-Manager wie LastPass im Vergleich zu kostenlosen integrierten Lösungen abschneidet.

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