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Redbility needed a Password Manager and Randomizer

Delivering mobile-first ecommerce solutions for clients required improved password organizer and the ability to generate random passwords to ensure better security for their customers and clients.

LastPass Outcomes

Greater productivity

Improved security

Secure password sharing

« Les conséquences du télétravail font également croître les risques de sécurité, en particulier les tentatives d’hameçonnage ciblant les PME. Plus de 43 % des cyberattaques visent les petites et moyennes entreprises qui n’ont pas les budgets ni les infrastructures de sécurité nécessaires pour des solutions industrielles, ce qui les rend plus vulnérables. » Source : Étude Verizon sur les failles de sécurité

Customer Overview

Redbility, located in Madrid, Spain, is a strategic design agency founded in 2004 with experience in product and service design with the aim of increasing the business and brand value of its clients, both national and international.


At Redbility, an award-winning digital strategy company, delivering a good user experience is their top priority. From redesigning ecommerce experiences to mobile-first websites, the Redbility team began to manage a growing number of projects for high- profile clients like Nestle, Heineken, eBay, and Telefónica. Several password-related challenges emerged, including:

  • Difficulty tracking logins for development, production, testing, and more
  • Insecure password sharing through channels like WhatsApp and email
  • Inability to track shared passwords among employees, vendors, clients, etc.
  • Upwards of 50 people working on a single project


To deliver on their promises to clients, Owner and Creative Director Mario Sánchez García sought out a password solution to keep his team organized and accountable. He quickly implemented LastPass for every employee, where the team benefited from:

  • A central repository for organizing passwords by project
  • Restricting access to only those employees working on a specific project
  • Randomizing every password with the password generator to replace their easily guessed pattern used previously


Mario now feels confident that his team has the proper controls in place to keep their clients’ information secure and private.

With LastPass, the Redbility team has:

« Les conséquences du télétravail font également croître les risques de sécurité, en particulier les tentatives d’hameçonnage ciblant les PME. Plus de 43 % des cyberattaques visent les petites et moyennes entreprises qui n’ont pas les budgets ni les infrastructures de sécurité nécessaires pour des solutions industrielles, ce qui les rend plus vulnérables. » Source : Étude Verizon sur les failles de sécurité

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