Protecting against cybersecurity threats to law firms

Trusted. Secure. Reliable Password Management for Law Firms.

Law firms deal with secure, sensitive data across their teams and with their clients. It’s critical that they keep that data secure. Without password management protocols they are vulnerable. And hacking lawfirms is big business. Law firm cyber threats are increasing, making the need for ways to protect against cyber attack more important.

Law firm cyber threats

1. Hacking Law Firms: 80 of the top 100 law firms have been "hacked" since 2011 and over 35% of all law firms have had a security breach!

Security and privacy go hand in hand. LastPass is designed to keep sensitive data safe using a zero-knowledge security model ensuring sensitive data doesn’t leave your device. Plus, we never know your master password!

2. Law Firm Cybersecurity Threats: You are the gate-keepers of over 70% of all non-public IP.

Password management reduces the risk of cyber-attacks while safeguarding your client's sensitive and private information.

3. Secure Password Management: Increase your firm’s cyber-hygiene.

Get complete control with complex passwords for law firms with multi-factor authentication and best-in-class cryptology.

4. Protect Against Agents Hacking Law Firms: Phishing–the number one threat to your law firm’s compliance and security-posture!

More data breaches are caused by phishing than any other means. LastPass will protect you from auto filling in passwords to untrusted and or non-vetted links and sites.

5. Mitigate risk: Build trust with clients.

LastPass makes it easy to keep you and your client’s critical information safe, secure, and easily accessible everywhere you work.

Features of password management


Adding additional protection


Good password habits


Multifactor authentication

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