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Lockyer Valley Council Added Enterprise Password Manager

LastPass led to improved security and greater productivity, and fast adoption across the board

LastPass Outcomes

Greater productivity

Improved security

Secure password sharing

„Mit dem ortsungebundenen Arbeiten haben auch die Sicherheitsrisiken, insbesondere Phishing-Angriffe auf KMUs, zugenommen. Über 43 % der Cyberangriffe zielen auf kleine und mittelgroße Unternehmen ab, denen das Budget oder die Infrastruktur für Security der Enterprise-Klasse fehlt. Damit sind sie aus Sicht der Angreifer leichte Beute.“ Quelle: Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report

Customer Overview

Lockyer Valley Regional Council’s vision is to deliver sustainable services to enhance the liveability of our community while embracing our economic, cultural and natural diversity. Lockyer Valley Regional Council has a strong set of values that remind us of what is important as an organisation. We strive to enable opportunities within our region with a strong customer focus. As a local government authority, we are committed to providing quality services to residents and visitors in the pursuit of our vision for the region.


With the aim of improving security across the organisation, Australian company Lockyer Valley Regional Council engaged an external auditor to identify risk factors and potential cyber security threats. They were aware the practice of general staff wasn’t particularly good when it came to storing credentials or resetting their passwords. Many helpdesk tickets were being raised to get account credentials reset due to credentials being shared between staff members. The ICT team were using a tool to manage their credentials, but this could not scale to cover accounting, consultants, office workers and other departments as it was too technical.


Following the audit, the recommendation was made to deploy an enterprise password management (EPM) solution across the organisation. A team of evaluators were assembled to review the EPM options available. The goal was to find a solution that is easy to use and would deliver the visibility and control that IT security needs.

“When we added up all the scores, LastPass came out on top."

It’s just really easy to use, and if you want the organisation to use it, then it needs to work for them as much as it needs to work for IT security” said Anjana Ranatunge, Coordinator ICT Projects and Business Operations at Lockyer Valley Council.


  • Lockyer Valley Regional Council believes they are close to delivering on their goals. Ranatunge states the feedback has been very positive and “people don’t want the hassle of keeping track of passwords, sharing passwords or resetting passwords, so now they do that all via one system. It saves employees a lot of time and many view Lastpass as critical to efficiently performing their job.”
  • There is a significant reduction in calls and tickets to the Helpdesk for login credential resets, given they have almost 80 per cent adoption rate. Ranatunge says this “just shows how user friendly LastPass is.”
  • The security team use the admin centre to gain better insights to the security posture of the organisation and they use the policies to help encourage the right behaviours with staff.

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