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Traveling nurses need access and security for health data and to ensure password compliance

Traveling healthcare company maintains password security and password compliance through shared credentials whether remote or in the office.

LastPass Outcomes

Efficient Account Management

Ease of ellaboration

Increased Security Posture

„Mit dem ortsungebundenen Arbeiten haben auch die Sicherheitsrisiken, insbesondere Phishing-Angriffe auf KMUs, zugenommen. Über 43 % der Cyberangriffe zielen auf kleine und mittelgroße Unternehmen ab, denen das Budget oder die Infrastruktur für Security der Enterprise-Klasse fehlt. Damit sind sie aus Sicht der Angreifer leichte Beute.“ Quelle: Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report

Customer Overview

With about 100 employees, this healthcare organization provides travel nursing solutions. With the remote workforce connecting with centralized data, and managing sensitive patient health information, security, password compliance and securely accessing shared credentials is a top priority.


This traveling healthcare company had a lot of employee logins and shared credentials that needed to be accessed by multiple staff members. To manage these shared credentials, relied on a spreadsheet to share their passwords. This method was cumbersome and inconvenient, and not always updated, leading to outdated passwords that didn’t work.

The security was also an issue. They needed a solution for password compliance to ensure customer data security as they shared credentials.

They also needed visibility into who had access to what. Since this is a healthcare company, data and access to sensitive and private information, ensuring compliance is critical. They needed visibility into what each employee had access to in order to maintain compliance.

The company gets audited by the joint commission (JCAHO), and they were looking for a solution to provide them visibility into employee’s access.


LastPass enabled this traveling healthcare company to secure credentials in one place for the whole company. With LastPass, they were able to ensure password compliance with shared credentials, and eliminate security, inefficiencies and data breach risks posed by the use of the old spreadsheets.

They are now able to track which employee has access to what information, giving them more security and enabling better control, data security and password compliance, in line with mandated guidelines.

LastPass also allows this company to quickly add or remove access for employees. When employees start at the company, LastPass allows the company to quickly provide the access required to start their jobs. Alternatively, when there is turnover, the company can remove access for that user from any location.


  • When moving to a remote work environment, this company was able to maintain normal business operations through LastPass. With LastPass, all their employees had secure access to their shared credentials, no matter where they were located.
  • LastPass allows them to scale their business in an efficient manner. As this company grows, they’ve been able to streamline their IT onboarding with LastPass, saving the IT team valuable time while remaining in compliance and protecting sensitive customer data.
  • Employees have a method to securely share credentials across the organization. This has helped productivity when an employee needs to be out-of-the-office for a period and a co-worker needs to cover their work.
  • Password compliance is more secure, accurate, and updated, offering a streamlined way to interact with only the information they are granted access to, further enhancing and protecting the sensitive data.

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