Business Solution

LastPass IDaaS – secure identity and access management

Protecting your business’s digital identities is easy with identity-as-a-service (IDaaS), which provides your business with essential SSO, MFA, and adaptive authentication via seamless integrations.

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Una gestione delle identità e degli utenti semplice e moderna a prescindere dal dispositivo e dall’applicazione

Riduci le complicazioni con una soluzione facile da implementare che accorpa accesso e autenticazione in un’unica panoramica dei dipendenti.


L’identità prescinde dalle tecnologie

Sfrutta una serie coerente di criteri e controlli per gestire ogni applicazione, dispositivo e dipendente a livello di individuo o di gruppo.


Controllo semplice e unificato

Sfrutta una supervisione unificata di tutti i punti di accesso senza dover gestire più di una soluzione.


Distribuzione semplice

Effettua l’integrazione nell’infrastruttura preesistente per un controllo immediato del tuo ecosistema aziendale.

Esperienza utenti agevole

Consenti agli utenti di accedere al proprio lavoro senza dover inserire neppure una password.


Esperienza utenti senza password

Sfrutta i dati biometrici e contestuali su tutti i dispositivi per un’esperienza utenti senza password priva di complicazioni.


Sicurezza avanzata ma invisibile

Gestisci accessi e autenticazione senza soluzione di continuità in modo che i dipendenti non se ne accorgano nemmeno.

Improve end-user productivity

Provide a frictionless user experience by automating password management by removing passwords altogether.

Enhance collaboration

Make it easier for employees to share and access the tools they need to collaborate, like cloud apps and secure documents.

Superior user management

Secure access and controls

Multifactor authentication (MFA)

Single sign-on (SSO)

Apriamo la strada a una protezione pervasiva che ti libera dalle password


I clienti che proteggono le proprie password con LastPass

Best Software Awards per il miglior prodotto per la sicurezza


Vincitore ai Fortress Cyber Security Awards 2023

Autenticazione e identità

Leader nella gestione delle password

sulla base di 1.305 recensioni

Più di 100.000

Le aziende che scelgono LastPass

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Caso aziendale

Con la sua gestione delle password, LastPass ha soddisfatto tutti i requisiti di Litmos


When hackers hack and why LastPass is business critical

Frequently asked questions

How do you define Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS)? 

Identity-as-a-service is an identity and access management (IAM) solution distributed by a third-party software as a service (SaaS) provider. Rather than relying on an on-premises identity solution, businesses can choose to leverage IDaaS, which is distributed as a cloud-based solution.

IDaaS works by integrating with an organization’s existing technology and tools, especially their user directory and identity provider (IdP). Once integrated, an IDaaS tool like LastPass will offer features which enhance business security and user access, such as automated user provisioning, multifactor-authentication (MFA), single sign-on (SSO), and more.

What is the difference between IAM and IDaaS?

Identity and access management (IAM) and identity-as-a-service (IDaaS) are both identity management solutions which include user access and management resources. An IAM solution defines the many ways in which a solution will verify the identity of a user, often achieved through various role-based policies, permissions, and more. IDaaS differs from IAM in the sense that it’s a type of IAM: rather than being an on-premises solution.

IDaaS is IAM achieved through software as a service (SaaS). Simply put, IDaaS is a SaaS-based IAM solution. IDaaS leverages numerous cloud-based identity solutions to implement IAM for a business, including adaptive MFA, identity provider integration, and SSO.

What are the benefits of IDaaS?

An IDaaS solution provides businesses with multiple use cases toward enhancing user access security and management. By relying on a multi-channel solution, businesses can holistically secure their organization, from implementing SSO for apps to applying MFA for workstations to automatically provisioning users by integrating with your company’s identity provider.


In addition to being your company’s all-in-one identity and access management solution (IAM), IDaaS further helps your business by being a third-party SaaS solution. This saves your IT team considerable time and resources, as your business can rely on a solution crafted outside of your organization rather than an on-premises solution that requires time to build, implement, and troubleshoot. Instead, with IDaaS, your IT team can automate user provisioning and management so they can focus on more essential cybersecurity needs.

Is IDaaS a SaaS-based system?

Yes! Simply put, identity-as-a-service (IDaaS) is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) form of an identity and access management (IAM) solution. Rather than being a tool developed on-premises, IDaaS is offered by a third-party producer like LastPass. A business then leverages the IDaaS tool by having it integrate with their existing technology to provide IAM throughout the organization.

How does IDaaS work?

When your business purchases an IDaaS solution, you’ll be given a centralized portal from which you can manage your identity product. One way to think of this is an API which you’ll connect with your business’s identity provider (IdP). By establishing an integration between the two, you’ll be able to offer SSO, MFA, adaptive authentication, and more to the various facets of your organization. Any time a user requires access somewhere, your API will send an authorization request to your integrated IdP. Once approved, the user will be granted access, ensuring only the right users can achieve access to work tools and sensitive information.

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