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Passwordless Authentication

Eliminate risk. Eliminate frustration. Eliminate passwords for employees.

Password Security Risks

Every weak password introduces risk into the company.

  • 80% of breaches are the result of weak, reused or compromised passwords.1
  • Password sharing and reuse remains a common practice in most businesses, with employees reusing one password an average of 13 times.2
  • Employees at small businesses have an average of 85 passwords to manage.2

From manual password resets to locked accounts, passwords cause frustration and increased IT costs.

  • 4 hours per week are spent on password management-related issues alone, including 96 password-related requests per month.4
  • The average employee actively uses 36 cloud services at work.3
  • 34% experience lost or stolen password credentials monthly.2



Features of passwordless authentication


Eliminate password-related risks


Focus on more secure authentication


Optimize the user expirience

Enter passwordless authentication

  • Passwordless authentication removes the password from the employee's login experience – a more streamlined and secure way for users to log into all their work.
  • This doesn't mean passwords are going away, it means the password is working behind the scenes and employees never need to type them.
  • Passwordless authentication REDUCES the password security risk for all employees.

57% of global businesses have employees using MFA, up 12% from 2018.2

36% of IT pros see implementing biometric MFA as a priority.4

Why use passwordless security?

  • 98% of IT professionals see room for improvement in the general password security behavior of their employees.4
  • 82% of IT professionals agree that poor identity practices have exposed their business to risk.4
  • 59% of IT professionals agree that strengthening user and passwordless authentication is critical and cite it among their key priorities for improving their identity capabilities.4

LastPass is the only solution that can remove the password from the employee login experience, while managing every single password in use through password management.


  1. Verizon DBIR
  2. LastPass Global Password Security Report
  3. McAfee’s CASB: MVISION Cloud
  4. LastPass Guide to Modern Identity Research Report

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